Happy Birthday in French

Happy Birthday in French

Joyeux anniversaire! or Bon anniversaire!

You can sing the Happy Birthday song in French to a friend or relative. Or to yourslef in the car if you are self-conscious. The lyrics to the song are pretty simple. Here it is:

Version 1: French Happy Birthday Song Lyrics

Joyeux Anniversaire
Joyeux Anniversaire
Joyeux Anniversaire...
(...name of the person ...)
Joyeux Anniversaire

The above is the first version and the most commonly sung version of the Happy Birthday song, and below are the lyrics of another popular version. OK, so clear the throat and get the vocal chords tuned up. Try this one too! Enjoy your French lessons.

Version 2: The other French Happy Birthday Song Lyrics

Nous te souhaitons un joyeux anniversaire
Nos voeux de bonheur profonds et sincères
Beaucoup d'amour et une santé de fer
Un joyeux anniversaire

Nous te souhaitons un joyeux anniversaire
Pour que t'aies tout bon pour l'année entière
La réussite et la joie que tu espères
Un joyeux anniversaire

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Learn the words and grammar of the song - Happy Birthday in French the 200 Words a Day way.

You are not only learning the meanings of the words in the song 'Happy Birthday' you'll learn easier ways to remember them in French.

Having learned this useful ditty you might want to also take time to watch some French movies. Movies are a terrific way to boost your language skills, and by watching them again and again many of the phrases and words, expressions etc will be embedded into that subconscious.

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French song for Happy Birthday to You.

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