Algeria - facts, statistics and information on algeria

General information on algeria:

Algeria became independent in 1962 after a hundred years of French occupation.

Geographical statistics & Information on Algeria

Geographical Position: Located in Northern Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea, between Tunisia and Morocco.

Map Ref Latitude & Longitude 28 degrees 0' North 3 degrees 00' East

Total Land & Sea Area Total: 2,381,800 square kilometres Sea Area0 square kilometres land area: 2,381,800 square kilometres

Land boundaries: Total: 6,350 kilometres Border countries: Libya 980 kilometers, Mali 1,380 kilometers, Mauritania 460 kilometers, Morocco 1,560 kilometers, Niger 950 kilometers, Tunisia 968 kilometers, Western Sahara 40 kilometres Coastal Length: 1000 kilometres

Climatological information on algeria:

semi-arid to arid conditions; damp, mild, winter periods on the coast with hot summers; dry cold winter periods and hot summer periods on the high upland plateaus; sirocco wind common during summer months.

Highest & Lowest Elevations: Lowest elevation: Chott Melrhir -45 metres below sea-level Highest elevation: Mount Tahat 3,003 metres

Country’s natural resources: petroleum & petroleum products & processing, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates deposits, mining

Land use: ploughable land area: 3 percent permanent crops: 0.20 percent other: 96.5 percent (1998 estimate) Irrigated land area: 5,600 square kms (1998 estimate)

Hazardous Natural phenomena: mountainous areas prone to strong earthquakes; mudslides and flooding in rainy season

Geographical Point of Interest: After Sudan it is Africa’s second biggest country.

People information on Algeria

Population: 32,818,000 (mid-2003 estimated)

Age structure: under 15 years:33 percent 15 to 64 years: 63 percent Over 65: 4 percent

Median age of population: Total: 22 years male: 22 years female: 22 years

Population growth rate: 1.5 percent (2003 estimated.) Birth rate: 22 births/1,000 population (2003 estimate.) mortality rate: 5 deaths/1,000 population (2003 estimate.) Net rate of migration: -0.4 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2003 estimate.)

infant mortality rate: Total: 37.8 deaths/1,000 live births female: 35 deaths/1,000 live births (2003 estimate.) male: 40 deaths/1,000 live births Life expectancy at birth: total population: 70 years male: 69 years female: 72 years (2003 estimate.) Total fertility rate: 2.5 children born/woman (2003 estimate.) Nationality: noun: Algerian(s) Ethnic groups: Arab-Berber 99 percent, European 1 percent

Religious information on algeria: Sunni Muslim (state religion) 99 percent, Christian less than 1 percent Jewish less than 1 percent

Languages: Arabic (official), French, Berber (local dialects) Literacy: definition: age 15 and over that can read and write total population: 70 percent male: 80 percent female: 61.5 percent (2003 estimate.)

Government Algeria

People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Al Jaza'ir Government type: republic Capital city: Algiers

Independence: 5 July 1962 National holiday: Revolution Day, 1 November (1954)

Legal system: socialist, based on French legal code and Islamic law;

Suffrage: All citizens eligible to vote from the age of 18 years

Executive branch: Head of State: President

Cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers appointed by the president

Economy information on algeria:

Economy - overview: The petroleum and oil industry sector is the powerhouse of the economy, making up about 60 percent of budget revenues, 30 percent of Gross Domestic Product, and over 95 percent of export earnings.

Algeria ranks at number 5 for natural gas reserves in the world. 2nd biggest gas exporter; 14th in world oil reserves.

Gross Domestic Product: - $USD174 billion (2002 estimate.) Gross Domestic Product - growth rate: 3 percent (2002 estimate.) Gross Domestic Product - per capita: - $USD5,400 (2002 estimate.) Gross Domestic Product - composition by sector: agriculture: 8 percent industry: 60 percent services: 32 percent (2002 estimate.) Population below poverty line: 23 percent (1999 estimate.) Household income or consumption by percent age share: low 10 percent : 3 percent highest 10 percent : 27 percent (1995)

rate of inflation: 3.5 percent (2002 estimate.) Labor force: 9.5 million (2001 estimate.) Labor force - by occupation: government 30 percent, agriculture 25 percent, construction and public works 15 percent, industry 10 percent, other 20 percent (1996 estimate.) rate of unemployment: 31 percent (2002 estimate.)

Budget information on algeria: incomes: $USD20.3 billion spending: $USD20 billion,(2001 estimate.)

Exports - commodities: petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products 97 percent Exports - partners: Italy 19 percent, Spain 13 percent, France 13 percent, US 12 percent, Netherlands 6 percent, Brazil 6 percent, Canada 5.7 percent, Turkey 5.3 percent, Belgium 5 percent (2002) Imports: $USD10 billion (2002 estimate.)

Imports - partners: France 30 percent, Italy 10 percent, US 8.5 percent, Germany 6.5 percent, Spain 6 percent, Turkey 4 percent (2002) Debt - external: $USD21.5 billion (2002 estimate.)

Currency: Algerian dinar (DZD) Currency code: DZD

Communications information on algeria:

Telephones: 2.5 million Radio broadcast stations: Amplitude Modulation 25, Frequency Modulation 1, SW 8 (1999) Television stations: 45 Internet country code: .dz

Travel to Algeria:

Railroad networks: Total: 3,975 kms Roading System: Total: 104,000 kms Pipelines: condensate 1,350 kms; gas 87,350 kms; liquid petroleum gas 2,200 kms; oil 6,500 kms (2003)

Military system of Algeria:

Military branches: People's National Army (ANP), Algerian National Navy (ANN), Air Force, Territorial Air Defense, National Gendarmerie Military spending: $USD1.9 billion (Fiscal Year 99) Military spending: - percent of Gross Domestic Product: 4 percent (Fiscal Year 99)

International Issues Algeria Disputes - international: Libya claims about 32,500 square kilometres of southeastern Algeria; Mali-based militia attack towns and villages in southern Algerian; disputes with Morocco over Moroccan administration of Western Sahara

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